हर किसी को नहीं आते, बेजान बारूद के कणों में, सोई आग के सपने नहीं आते

बदी के लिए उठी हुई, हथेली को पसीने नहीं आते
शेल्फ़ों में पड़े, इतिहास के ग्रंथो को सपने नहीं आते
सपनों के लिए लाज़मी है, झेलनेवाले दिलों का होना
सपने इसलिए हर किसी को नहीं आते


So it was in the year 2019 at Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan when I gave my first Junior Wing NCC selections not even knowing what it was. They told me to run. There were 150 students, and there were 50 vacancies. Competition was there, now what? I thought of withdrawing from it but I was having the spark of the uniform. So I ran and ran for my life. I mean, dreams are always the source of your living. I came 2nd.

Now, wearing the uniform was easy but managing NCC with my dance and sports classes was difficult. But I had a sweet ANO, LT Akanksha Sharma who saw a lot of potential in me. I became the commander of the NCC contingent. I got good camps and some nice friends.

But this is just the crux of it, there were a lot of people who never saw me deserving, they complained, they laughed and they did everything possible to shoot me down.

But I didn't fall.


So, Junior wing NCC ended. I got myself enrolled in one of the prestigious institutions of India, "University Of Delhi"

I was selected to be a part of "Gargi NCC" but it was a rigorous selection. Coming under, "4 Delhi Girls Battalion, Gargi NCC" is one of the best performing companies in the Delhi Directorate

I did "Prime Minister's Rally 2023" in my very first year of my senior wing NCC, which is somewhat not allowed but since I was a trained Bharatnatyam dancer, they allowed me to do the same. I was in the main center group, right in front of PM Narendra Modi and that moment was priceless.

At the Prime Minister’s rally, I met my two seniors who were doing their Republic Day Camp, former SUO Anshu and former SUO Anushka Rathi. I was mesmerized after looking at their uniforms and badges. The kind of aura and personality both had was something I always dreamed of.

Later they both represented India at "Youth Exchange Program, Russia" and "Youth Exchange Program, Kazakhstan " respectively.

When I came back from PM’s Rally, I got the rank of "Sergeant"  and went for the Combined Annual Training Camp or CATC 2023, the best camp you can do in your NCC is the CATC because it is must for every cadet to stay for 10 days in the camp. You get to know your batchmates, your seniors, and cadets from other colleges. You learn a lot but you also make a lifetime friend there. For me, it was Cadet Chanchal Swami, she is the only one who never gave up on me. She has looked after me in the worst phases of my life.

In the CATC, I got selected to be a part of our "Unit Shooting Team". I was one of the top 5 shooters from my Unit. Our Commanding Officer, Col. K.S. Bisht was a very passionate person when it came to shooting. He has trained a lot of cadets who excelled in shooting competitions.

Although the camp ended, still the shooting team had its practice at the Rajputana Rifles Center. It was for the selection of Inter Directorate Sports Shooting Competition (IDSSC), but I didn’t qualify for the same as I was not well prepared at that time.

But leaving my college classes and assignments, I kept on coming for practices, because I always wanted to wear the combat of "The Thal Sainik Camp." I trained myself hard and got selected for the TSC-IGC, which was also a selection camp. We all did a lot of practice but on the day of selection, my rifle got exchanged with someone else. I performed very badly and I knew that I wouldn't make it to the list. So, I left the camp the very next day. I cried and cried a lot. I was so sad and upset that I immediately took a bus to meet my parents in Lucknow. I was sad throughout the journey, unaware of the fact that something big was waiting for me. After 1 week, I came back to the NCC classes, and Anushka Ma’am told me to go for the biggest challenge in NCC which was, "The Republic Day Camp." I had no confidence in my drill because due to the camps, I attended very few classes. Now, going for RDC was not an easy task, I got myself selected for the very first selection camp with two of the events, "Kartavya Path"  (Drill) and, "Cultural" (Bharatnatyam).

For one month I was confused about what to choose. Dance was my passion but the Kartavya Path was a one-time opportunity. Also, the choreographers selected me for the, "SNIC, Kewadia, Gujrat" as a dance instructor and told me that my RDC would be confirmed if I did this camp. I was still very confused about the event I should choose as the SNIC was clashing with "Kartavya Path" selections. So, I texted almost every senior, my ex-JUO Isha ma'am motivated me to do kartavya path. But the decision was difficult since the Kartavya Path event is very uncertain and there were many 3rd year cadets in the competition. So, I decided with my friends and seniors that I would go for the Kartavya Path.

Now, after 2-3 selection camps, I was the only cadet from my college in the Kartavya Path event along with one of my closest friends SUO Jesica Sandhu who was in the, "Best Cadet Event." Later she also got into the, "Kartavya Path Event."

Now, the event of Kartavya Path was not easy and since this year only the girl contingent had to march on Kartavya Path, they were training us rigorously. There were days we used to cry, my head used to hurt a lot because of all the training but I didn't dare to take a day off and treat myself because the selection could have happened anytime. A Lot of selections happened, and a lot of practice camps happened. In total, we did 9 camps before the actual RDC camp. But at that time also, I used to watch a dream, a dream of becoming the contingent commander of the Kartavya path. The drill instructor used to have a lot of hopes for me. I commanded the, "Delhi Directorate Contingent" those days.

Though there used to be pressure and stress, we still used to find situations to laugh. I made a lot of good friends in RDC, SUO Sejal Sharma from "Kamala Nehru College", JUO Neha Khatri from "Dyal Singh College", and CHM Riyanshi Fartiyal were always there for me.

For the Delhi Directorate, only 01 SW ARMY Vacancy was there for YEP, the rest two were for reserves. After a lot of tests, interviews, and group discussions, I was given the YEP Reserve Seat. I thought this was the end of my YEP journey and I stopped even expecting that I would get to write the exam for YEP. This was hard for me because I wanted to continue my college’s legacy. 

Now, we got our kitting and documentation done. I can’t even explain the feeling when we got a lot of stuff with the NCC logo and RDC 2024 written on it. We left for the DGNCC camp and as soon as we reached there, we started cleaning the room for the line area.

The very next day, there was the, "Best Cadet" and "YEP" written exam. I don’t know why, but my heart was telling me again and again to report in the exam hall but our GCI had no idea that Reserves can also give the YEP exam. I prayed to God and I ran to the hall got my RDC ID card and gave my exam. My name was on the list. I gave my exam thinking that God wants something to be done, he wants me to go to YEP. I manifested and I cried at the exam hall because although I was allowed to take the exam, my buddy Jesica didn’t get the chance. I cried a lot and I promised to myself,

"ki main leke aaungi YEP apne college mein, Gargi ki legacy chalti rahegi."

I got selected in Kartavya Path but sadly I didn't get to command the contingent. I won’t blame anyone for this because everything was planned by the almighty. After harsh practices, breakdowns, pains, sweat, and difficulties, we finally marched on the Kartavya Path. Me and Jesica, I both were marching in the same file together. This was such a great moment for our college and Directorate.

And this Camp ended


I went to my hometown for my brother’s birthday but had to return the very next day because we had to prepare for the upcoming NCC fests. Fests were fun, I got to command the guard team of my college, and I also got awarded as the Best cadet in many colleges.

Now, fast forward to the rank ceremony, I got the rank of Junior Under Office. I was very happy, not because I became the JUO but because my buddy Jesica became, "The Senior Under Officer" of our company. The same day, my Senior Anushka ma’am called me into the NCC Room, scratched the Indian flag from her uniform and gave it to and said,

"Hum sabko tumpe bahot bharosa hai, Gargi ki legacy chalti rehni chhaiye."

I went back to my PG, locked the doors, and started crying. I was holding the flag in my hands and I was wishing to God,

"please God, people have a lot of expectations from me, give me the strength to be what I always craved for."

This was not the only day I cried, I used to cry once every week because I used to feel that since I was a reserve cadet, I could only get a reserved seat and could never go for any delegation.

Days passed on.


On June 25th, I saw people tagging me on the RDC WhatsApp group, wondering what was happening, I checked it, and I saw Deepak Dhaka sir forwarding a list. It was for the, "Youth Exchange program - Vietnam." I still remember I was with Jesica and I shouted very loudly that she got scared. I asked her to check if it was me. She opens the list and starts crying. She hugged me and went outside to announce the same with my juniors and batchmates. 

The joy everyone was having that day was something I could never afford through money or anything. So, Youth Exchange Program, Vietnam is the third top delegation after the UK and Kazakhstan. I was the second cadet and first SW from Delhi to get the delegation. Finally, I got to wear the combat I left in the TSC. I got to represent India, Delhi, and Gargi NCC at such a huge stage.

All of this looks very happening and easy but I am the only one who knows how much of a strong heart you need to wait for what you deserve. "Gargi NCC" is my family and has always motivated me to go the extra mile. They always reminded me how deserving I am.

So, keep working hard, this organization will give you opportunities, friends, adventure, and most importantly the best version of yourself.  Today when I look back, I still say thank you to my Mother Mrs. Laxmi Singh, my Father Mr. Deoraj singh, My sister Deepti, and brother Om, my ADG Maj. Gen. Sanjay P. Vishwasrao, my Commanding Officer COL. KS Bisht, ANO Capt.( Dr.)Purnima Agarwal, EX SUO Anushka Rathi, EX SUO Anshu, EX JUO ISHA BALHARA, EX JUO Abigail, EX JUO Hemlata, EX CHM Poonam Khichad, my buddies SUO Jesica Sandhu, SGT Chanchal Swami, LC Dhruvi Anand, CHM Pari Jain, JUO Jhanvi Dhyani, CDT Manisha Bisht, SGT Nandini Sha, CDT Khushi Sharma, SGT Ankita Sharma, SGT Aditi RAO, CDT Pranjali, JUO Akansha Mehra, CQMS Aastha baid, SGT Tisha and to all my dear Juniors.

Thank you "GARGI NCC."


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